Title: Tackling the Challenge of Developing A New Internet Architecture
Speaker: Lixia Zhang (UCLA Computer Science Department)
Time: 15:00-17:00, June 26
Address: Room 2103
The Named Data Networking (NDN) project will soon celebrate its 3rd anniversary. During this short exciting period the NDN team has followed an application-driven approach and prototyped a wide range of different applications. Designing, implementing, and demonstrating these applications yielded lessons about the advantages and challenges of the NDN architecture, as well as insights into what additional architectural components may be needed. In this talk I will share with you a few observations and lessons we learned.
Lixia Zhang's Short Bio:
Prof. Lixia Zhang studied MIT since September 1981, the same month RFCs 791-793 (TCP/IP specification) were published. She received PhD degree in computer science from MIT and joined Xerox Palo Alto Research Center as a member of research staff. Her work at Xerox PARC included analysis of TCP traffic dynamics, reliable multicast protocols, and designs of Internet integrated services support, the RSVP protocol was conceived and developed during that time. She joined the faculty of UCLA Computer Science Department in 1995/1996. Now she is a professor of Computer Science Department in UCLA. Currently she is leading a 12-campus research project on the development of a new Internet architecture called Named Data Networking (NDN) sponsored by NSF.