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【学术报告】Permutation Polynomials
文章来源:一室  |  发布时间:2013-11-21  |  【 】 【打印】 【关闭】  |  浏览:

  Title: Permutation Polynomials

  Speaker: Prof. Michael Zieve(University of Michigan)

  Time: 2013年11月22日下午15:30-16:30

  Address: Room 3224  


  In this talk, I will give a survey of permutation polynomials, explaining the different types of constructions and their connections, as well as the general nonexistence results.

  Michael Zieve's Short Bio:

  Michael Zieve is currently a professor in the Mathematics Department at University of Michigan. He received his Bachelor degree from Harvard University (1992) and his doctor degree from University of California at Berkeley (1996).  Prior to joining UMich, he worked in University of Southern California, Institute for Advanced Study and Center for Communications Research in Princeton. Professor Zieve’s research covers various topics in both pure and applied mathematics including algebra, number theory, algebraic geometry, dynamic system, discrete math, theoretical computer science and cryptography. He has published 46 international journal papers  including such top ones as Annals of Math., Invention Math. and Duke Math. Journal. He also serves as editorial board members of Mathematical Reviews, Zentralblatt für Mathematik and SIAM Review and rereree for various NSF and NSA grant proposals.

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