Title: Real Plots of Automata Mappings
Speaker: Prof. Vladimir Anashin(Lomonosov Moscow State University)
Time: 2013年11月22日下午14:00-15:00
Address: Room 3224
Every transducer over an alphabet of p elements maps words of length N to words of length N; therefore to every transducer there corresponds a mapping f of finite words to finite words. Every word W of length N can be considered as a base-p expansion of suitable natural number w. A real plot of the transducer is a set of all accumulation points of the closure of the set of all points (w/p^N, f(w)/p^N), N=1,2,3,…, in the unit real square.
The talk is about recent development in the study of automata plots related to information security.
Vladimir Anashin's Short Bio:
Vladimir Anashin is a professor in the Institute for Information Security at Lomonosov Moscow State University. His main research interests are mostly focused at algebraic dynamic systems and their applications. He is one of the designers of the famous stream cipher ABC, which has been accepted to the second phase of eSTREAM. Up to now, he has published more than 70 international journal and conference papers.
Professor Anashin was awarded the Chinese Academy of Sciences Visiting Professorship for Senior International Scientist in 2010.